Who are we?

Tillicum Youth

In 2013 there were 114 youth conferences held all over the world that invited youth to examine the forces shaping their society and their role in contributing meaningfully to the progress of their communities.

Inspired by this vision, during the summer of 2013 a handful of youth wanted to see a positive change in culture in their neighbourhood. They began mentoring young people in junior youth groups, assisting them to gain a deeper understanding of their own potential and empowering them to contribute meaningfully towards the improvement of their communities.

Since then over 100 young people have participated in the programs offered.

Educational Materials used

Since its inception in the early 1970s, the Ruhi Institute, a non-profit agency of the Baha'i world community, has strived to serve, through its educational activities, young people between the ages of 11 and 14.

All of the texts of the junior youth program are concerned with developing language skills and the power of expression. Some also address mathematical concepts and social issues, while others seek to prepare young people to approach the investigation of physical, social and spiritual reality in a scientific manner. The program is not religious in nature, and does not instruct participants in faith-based laws or teachings. Many kinds of organizations, including academic institutions, will therefore find them useful for their educational programs with junior youth. Profound and universal moral standards are used to help youngsters take charge of their own development and contribute to the progress of their communities. The texts of the junior youth program explore moral principles such as, justice, kindness, honesty, and also seek to develop language, math, and critical thinking skills.